Saturday, October 11, 2008

Paper submited !


After more than a month of day-slicing and hour-saving, I have finally managed to complete the paper I was working on for quite some time, and submit it to 16th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) 2008 conference.

Title of the paper is "Search Result Clustering via Randomized Partitioning of Query-Induced Subgraphs", and it deals with the problem of graph clustering and it's applicability to the general problem of search result clustering. General scale-free properties of proposed concept of query-induced subgraphs are analyzed, and new algorithm is introduced, which performs efficient clustering on power-law graphs in computationally and space efficient manner.

Getting this paper out there is quite pleasing, actually, especially since it finaly enables me to let the topic go and move on with further research. (memory note : sticking to single topic and research result for too long, waiting for you to "perfect" it is super-counter-productive and will get you in a no-progress-no-paper infinite loop sooner or later. Just break the loop, wrap what you've have accomplished into a paper and move on) :)


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